Thursday, January 5, 2023

HIV/AIDS Patient Advocacy: 2023 Insights

By: Brandon M. Macsata, CEO, ADAP Advocacy Association

The New Year is here! Our patient advocacy work is likely to be influenced by numerous mitigating factors that fall completely outside of our control, most of which will make meaningful public health policy changes unlikely. A narrowly divided, partisan federal government, an indictment of a former president (pick a crime), an increase in anti-science rhetoric fueled by right-wing media and Internet-fueled conspiracies, and the ongoing economic uncertainty will all muddy the legislative agenda. But that is no reason to remain idle.

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The Covid-19 pandemic isn't over, especially here in the United States. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, as of December 22, 2022, over 400 people in this country are still perishing daily to this virus. Aside from the human toll of the cumulative effect of the infections, hospitalizations, and deaths, Covid-19 has upended public health in so many ways. Its impact on our own HIV community cannot be overstated, as we outlined last year. Covid-19 also further exposed the significant gaps that remain in our HIV care delivery system. It has also defined the shape of the broader public health advocacy over the last three years.

Lest we forget there are still nefarious forces at play trying to undermine our drug supply chain with counterfeit medicines, evidenced by numerous high-profile cases involving fake HIV medicines. With our partners, we will continue to advise patients on how to spot fake HIV medicines. It is imperative that patient advocates resist ongoing attempts to reshape the national dialogue on drug pricing with faux policies, such as drug importation. The reality is drug importation won't lower the cost of prescription drugs for patients, but it could very well weaken the world's safest drug supply system. Look no further than the drug importation plans in Florida and Colorado

Our focus will also remain on improving access to care and treatment, expanding it as much as possible while fending off threats to the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP). We fully anticipate another attempt by mega service providers and special interests to push for raiding RWHAP funding for PrEP-related rebates under the 340B Drug Pricing Program. Robbing Peter to pay Paul is never the solution, because the result is restricting access. We stand firm with people living with HIV/AIDS.

Long-acting agents for HIV therapy (LAAs) represents probably the single greatest opportunity to expand access, reduce community viral load, and further the U=U Gospel ("undetectable equals untransmittable"). The recent news by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) to approve a new HIV drug for adults with limited treatment options is big news! It builds on the momentum already established with new LAAs, such as Cabenuva and Trogarzo

As the chaos continues to unfold in our nation's capitol, it is imperative for patient advocates to be armed with the resources and tools to influence public policy on HIV/AIDS. Our organization is eager to engage our community to meet any challenge head-on.

Disclaimer: Guest blogs do not necessarily reflect the views of the ADAP Advocacy Association, but rather they provide a neutral platform whereby the author serves to promote open, honest discussion about public health-related issues and updates.

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