Thursday, September 27, 2018

Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Funding Raided, Again

By: Brandon M. Macsata, CEO, ADAP Advocacy Association

Over the summer the Trump Administration raided previously unspent Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program funding from Fiscal Years 2015-2016 to pay for its controversial "zero-tolerance" immigration policy. The ADAP Advocacy Association sounded the alarm not once, but actually two times over concern about the dangerous precedent established by transferring these funds. We warned if funding budgeted to provide supports and services to people living with HIV/AIDS could be diverted on one occasion, then what would prevent it from happening again? Unfortunately, our concerns were validated because more money is being taken away from these important programs to fund the immigration child detention centers on our southern borders.

Insert the phrase: "We were right!"

Hands off my healthcare
Photo Source:

The Trump Administration, rather than asking how we can ensure these funds are better spent as they were help meet the needs of the people living with HIV/AIDS more readily...has decided the epidemic is of less a public health concern than putting kids in cages.

We applaud AIDS United once again for leading the charge and holding the Trump Administration accountable for this thievery! We encourage you to read their recent action alerts in The Body:
Among other vital program funding being raided again, State AIDS Drug Assistance Programs ("ADAP") stand to lose $5.75 million in unspent funding from the current Fiscal Year. This isn't so-called "fake news" either. A letter to Congress from Alex M. Azar II, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services ("HHS"), spells it out in plain language.

Think about it; there was over $2.6 million taken from HIV prevention programs. Like we still don't have people at risk for contracting HIV, right?

Think about it; there was over $6.3 million taken from mental health and substance abuse programs. Like untreated mental illness isn't an ongoing issue, right? Or like there isn't an ongoing opioid epidemic, right?

Think about it; there was over one million dollars taken from viral hepatitis programs. Like we don't have an emerging Hepatitis C crisis, right?

The fact remains that the people living with HIV/AIDS who reply on ADAP — and who rely on other HIV-related programs being impacted by this move  are PISSED OFF! Let me repeat, they are PISSED OFF!

Whereas HIV-infection can now be characterized as a chronic illness, nearly 20,000 people annually receive an AIDS diagnosis.[1] And yes, people still die of AIDS in this country, including some who cannot access life-saving treatments. People living with HIV/AIDS are watching their brothers and sisters struggle to endure the challenges present with this illness, all while their government appears hell-bent on undermining the progress made under the previous four Presidents!

Mike Pence
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Putting aside the inhumane nature of these immigration child detention centers (if that is even remotely possible, mind you), there is plenty of evidence available for people living with HIV/AIDS to be concerned over ongoing raiding of the funding from the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program. The Trump Administration is infested with right wing, religious ideologues who frown upon people who are different from their WASP (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant) culture. Such evidence was on full display this week.

The sad reality is starring our HIV community squarely in the face. The Trump Administration doesn't care about people living with HIV/AIDS. There are simply too many examples to site, too. And far worse, there is no reasoning with the right-wing, religious ideologues who are pulling the strings behind the scenes. It's hard for our people to be tactful when their being punched in the face by bigots.

[1] U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (2018, August 6). HIV in the United States: At A Glance (AIDS Diagnoses). Retrieved from

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